Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 03, 2012
Be formed
16 April, 1952 - present
Special Forces
Part of the
Indonesian National Army
Brave, True, Successfully
Red beret
New Guinea - 1950
Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation - 1963
East Timor - 1975
Maj. Gen. Wisnu Bawa Tenaya
Special Forces Kopassus is abbreviated become part of the Army Defense Center owned by the Army that have special abilities such as moving fast in every field, shoot with the right, reconnaissance, and anti-terrorism.
In the course of its history, had solidified its presence as a Kopassus special forces are capable of handling heavy tasks. Some operations are carried out by Special Forces operations include crushing DI / TII, military operations PRRI / Permesta, TRIKORA Operations, Operations Dwikora, crushing G30S/PKI, the Act in West Irian, Operation Lotus in East Timor, an operation to free hostages in the Don Muang Airport- Thailand (Woyla), GPK Operations in Aceh, an operation to free hostages in Mapenduma, as well as various other military operations. Due to the mission and tasks confidential operations, the majority of the activities of the task force than KOPASSUS never be known thoroughly. Examples KOPASSUS operation ever conducted and no publicly known as: Infiltration into Vietnamese refugees on Galang island to assist in gathering information for kordinasikan with the United States (CIA), Malaysia and Australia border infiltration and patrol operations remotely (long range recce) on Papua New Guinea border.
Kopassus soldier can be easily recognized by the red beret bears, so the force is often referred to as the red beret troops. Kopassus has a motto Dare, Right, Succeed.
Table of contents

1 The history of Kopassus
1.1 KESKO TT III / Siliwangi
1.2 KKAD
1.4 Puspassus AD
1.5 Kopassandha
1.6 Forces
2 Special Forces Unit Structure
2.1 Structural differences with other infantry units
2.2 Five Forces Group
2.3 Number of personnel
2.4 The term in unity
2.5 Powers of commander
3 List of Kopassus
4 issues and news related to the Kopassus
4.1 Appointment Prabowo
4.2 Case son Subagyo HS
4.3 The case of kidnapping reform activists
4.4 Membungkuknya commander of Kopassus in front of Tommy Suharto
5 References
6 External links
History Kopassus

KESKO TT III / Siliwangi

On 16 April 1952, Colonel A.E. Kawilarang establish unity Territorium Army Command III / Siliwangi (KESKO TT). The idea of ​​unity of command is derived from his experience against alleged South Maluku Republic (RMS) in the Moluccas. When it A.E. Kawilarang with Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi (Gen. Posthumous) find it difficult to face the RMS commandos. A.E. Kawilarang aspire to establish commandos agile and can move quickly.
The first commander when it was Idjon Djanbi. Idjon Djanbi is a former captain of the Canadian-born Dutch Colonial Army, whose real name is Captain Rokus Bernardus Visser. On February 9, 1953, was transferred from TT KESKO Siliwangi and directly under the Chief of Staff of the Army (Chief of Staff).

On March 18, 1953 took over from the military headquarters Siliwangi command and then changed its name to the Army Corps (KKAD).

Dated July 25, 1955 increased to KKAD organization Regiment Army Forces Command (Special Forces), which is still led by Mochamad Idjon Djanbi.
1959 combat elements moved to Cijantung, in east Jakarta. And in 1959 it was changed to also Representative of the Special Forces Regiment of the Army (Special Forces). At that time the military organization has been led by Major Kaharuddin Nasution.
At the time of operation to DI / TII, the first commander, Maj. Idjon Djanbi injured, and eventually replaced by Major RE Djailani.
Puspassus AD

On December 12, 1966, the Special Forces also turned into Special Forces Center AD (Puspassus AD). This AD Puspassus name only lasted for five years. Actually, until 1963, the Special Forces consist of two battalions, the battalions 1 and 2 battalions, all headquartered in Jakarta. When the battalion first deployed to Lumbis and Long Bawan, when the confrontation with Malaysia, while the second battalion also suffered also in Kuching, Malaysia, the Special Forces commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Sarwo because of its proximity to the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani , proposes two battalions 'Bull Raider' notching Ahmad Yani when combating DI / TII in Central Java in upgrades in Batujajar, Bandung became in the Special Forces Battalion, each Battalion 441 "Bull Raider III", Semarang was ordained at the end of the 3rd Battalion Special Forces tahung , 1963. Following the Airborne Battalion 436 "Bull Raider I", Magelang became battalion 2nd Battalion 2 replace old power shortage in mid-1965. Meanwhile, the 454th, "Bull Raider II" remains a battalion under the auspices of the Diponegoro military. This battalion and later traveled around Jakarta involved shooting with Special Forces Battalion 1 in Hek.

Dated February 17, 1971, the regiment was afterwards named Sandi Yudha Forces Command (Kopassandha).
In operation in East Timor's army played a role from the beginning. They perform a special operation to encourage the integration of East Timor by Indonesia. On December 7, 1975, the army is the main force of the first to Dili. This forces assigned to secure the airfield. While the Navy and Air Force to secure the city. Since then the role of these forces continue and form the bulk of the power of moving air (mobile) to hunt down the Fretilin leader Nicolau dos Reis Lobato in December 1978. Achievement catapulted the name is the current Special Forces conduct operations to free hostages are the crew and passengers aboard the DC Garuda Indonesian Airways Woyla -9 hijacked by five men who claimed to be from the Islamic extremist group "Komando Jihad" led by Imran ibn Muhammad Zein, March 28, 1981. aircraft that was flying the route Palembang-Medan it had landed in Penang, Malaysia and finally landed at Don Mueang Airport, Bangkok. Under the leadership of Lt. Col. Sintong, Special Forces troops were able to free all the hostages and shoot down all the perpetrators of piracy. Casualties of this operation is Capa (posthumous) Achmad Kirang the hijacker was shot dead and pilot Captain Herman Chain which was also shot by the hijackers. Imran ibn Muhammad Zein arrested in the incident and sentenced to death.
In 1992 the catch successor Lobato, Xanana Gusmao, who was hiding in Dili with his supporters.

With the reorganization of the armed forces in the body, since the date of December 26, 1986, the name changed into Special Forces Special Forces is better known as Kopassus until now.
Armed Forces conduct further realignment of the Special Forces group in unity. So the unity container and education combined into Group 1, Group 2, Group 3/Pusdik Pasuss, and Detachment 81.
Since the date of June 25, 1996 Kopasuss group reorganization and development of the three groups into five groups.
1/Parakomando Group - located in Serang, Banten
2/Parakomando Group - located in Kartasura, Central Java
3/Pusat Education Special Forces Group - located in Batujajar, West Java
Yudha 4/Sandhi Group - located in Cijantung, East Jakarta
5/Anti Terror Group - located in Cijantung, East Jakarta
Detachment 81, the anti-terrorist unit Kopassus, abolished and integrated into groups earlier. The term for the leader of a Special Forces also improved ranking Kopassus commander Brigadier General (Danjen) Forces at the rank of Major General in conjunction with this reorganization.
Kopassus Unit Structure

Kopassus troops
Structural differences with other infantry units

Kopassus different organizational structures with infantry units in general. Although the terms of the corps, the members of Kopassus are generally derived from the Infantry Corps, but according to the specific nature, then Kopassus create their own structure, which is different from other infantry units.
Kopassus deliberately not tied to a common size infantry unit, it appears on their units called groups. The use of the term Group aims to units owned by them avoid the standard infantry unit size in general (eg Brigade). With this unit, Kopassus be flexible in determining the number of personnel, could be much more than the size of a brigade (about 5,000 personnel), or less.
Five Forces Group


Kopassus - Martial Demo
Broadly speaking, the Kopassus unit is divided into five groups, namely:
1/Para Command Group - located in Serang, Banten
2/Para Command Group - located in Kartasura, Central Java
Special Forces Education Centre - located in Batujajar, West Java
Yudha 3/Sandhi Group - located in Cijantung, East Jakarta
81/Penanggulangan Terror Unit - Cijantung located in East Jakarta
Unless Pusdikpassus, which serves as a center of education, the Group-Group has a function other operational (combat). Thus Pusdikpassus structure different from the other groups. Each group (except Pusdikpassus), subdivided into battalions, for example: Yon 11, 12 and 13 (from Group 1), and Group 21, 22 and 23 (Group 2).
Number of personnel

Because of a special forces Kopassus, then in carrying out combat operations, the number of personnel involved relatively few, not as many as the number of regular infantry personnel, in other words, do not use conventional size ranging from platoon to battalion. Kopassus rarely (probably never) operations involving the power of one battalion at a time.
The term in unity

Because unlike the unit in general, units under the battalion was not called the company, but the detachment, unit or team. Special Forces personnel are rarely involved in a lot of operations. In order not to be bound by the size of the company or platoon standard, then Kopassus need to have a separate designation for the unit, to be more flexible.
Rank of commander

Group Commander rank of Colonel,
Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel,
Detachment Commander, team, unit, or the Special Task Force, the officer rank is adapted to its work load (ranging Lieutenant to Major).
Kopassus list

The main article for this section are: General Commander of Kopassus
Currently, Special Forces led by a Commander-General (as commander) who held the rank of Major General. Currently occupied by the post as commander Maj. Gen. Wisnu Bawatenaya
Issues and news related to the Kopassus

Big names and images are carried Forces since the establishment cause many parties tugging Forces to enter into a political activity. Kopassus has traditionally been the nursery of potential young officers, who would fill the posts of military leadership positions. Names like Benny Murdani, Sintong, Yunus, Agum Gumelar, Hendropriyono, Prabowo, etc., are officers who are already known to the public, when they still held the rank of Captain or Major, thanks to their achievements in the field.
Appointment Prabowo

Appointment Prabowo himself, who incidentally is the son of Suharto, has caused much gossip in public whereas if further study Prabowo was an intelligent and many tasks are completed with flying colors. He was a soldier of genius, master fighting techniques are well and good verbal communication evidenced by mastering several languages ​​such as English and French fluently.
Cases son Subagyo HS

Another name that is tarnished join Subagyo HS, who had served as Chief of Staff of the Army (the Army). Subayo name tarnished by the act of his son, Agus Isrok, which incidentally also served in the Special Forces and lieutenant. Agus, who at first tried to conceal his identity, caught in party drugs (shabu-shabu) at a hotel where the entertainment center in Jakarta. Supposedly, Agus is not just users but also drug dealers. It is estimated that due to the power of his father, Agus escape the law. In 2007, Agus Isrok known still active in the military with the rank of Captain. This case confirms what is already an open secret that the Armed Forces in particular and in general engaging in illegal businesses in Indonesia. According to a source from the leading media in Indonesia, who declined to be named, Kopassus has long used cash proceeds from illicit drug business, drinks, and entertainment to finance military actions and operations that do not take a small fee, which is budgetair not all reported both internally and externally in the Armed Forces.
Reform activists kidnapping case

The main article for this section are: The abduction of activists 1997/1998
In 1998, Kopassus had tarnished the name of the activity related to Rose Team accused of responsibility for the abduction and disappearance of the life activities of some pro-democracy activists. Special Forces tarnished name back after the incident in May 1998, when a lot of research results independent fact-finding team found a neatly structured in a military organization who intentionally and purposeful sparked mass riots in Jakarta and Surakarta (incidentally both the city is the base area / Kopassus headquarters, ie Cijantung-Jakarta-Surakarta and Menjangan Cage). In 2007 Tim Rose's back problems came to the surface the fact that 11 soldiers were involved (6 of them fired in 1999), was not fired but still pursue a career, a promotion and some unknown hold important positions like the commander with the rank of colonel . TNI Commander stated only 1 of the 6 officers who actually fired.
Membungkuknya commander of Kopassus in front of Tommy Suharto

In 2007, Kopassus again tarnished by the incident commander of Kopassus curvature in front of Tommy Suharto. It is impressive Kopassus is still subject to the rule of Suharto. At the Kopassus birthday, and Tommy Suharto, Bambang Trihatmodjo present in the Cage Menjangan Group II Kopassus Solo as participants open shooting competition that was held on 23 April 2007. At the time of shaking hands with Tommy, Maj. Gen. Rashid Qurnuen Aquary (commander of Kopassus) looks bent in next president Suharto's son, and this incident caught on camera reporter. Photo membungkuknya commander of Kopassus was widely circulated in the community even to the United States and Australia. The United States Government through the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Asia Pacific Affairs, Christopher Hill formally asked about this incident to the Minister of Defense Sudarsono in Jakarta.
According to the Minister, commander of Kopassus just congratulated Tommy for his accomplishments on the competition.


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