Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 2012
Yoruichi Shihōin
Yoruichi Shihoin.jpg
Race Shinigami
Birthday January 1[1]
Gender Female
Height 156 cm (5'2")
Weight 42 kg (93 lbs)
Professional Status
Affiliation Shihōin Clan, Soul Society, Urahara Shop
Previous Affiliation Gotei 13
Occupation None
Previous Occupation 22nd Head of the Shihōin Clan
Captain of the 2nd Division
Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō
Corps Commander of the Corrections Corps
Corps Commander of the Executive Militia
Team None
Previous Team 2.jpeg 2nd Division
SecretMobileCorpsMini.png Onmitsukidō
Partner Kisuke Urahara
Previous Partner Suì-Fēng, Marenoshin Ōmaeda
Base of Operations Urahara Shop, Karakura Town, Human World
Personal Status
Relatives N/A
Education N/A
Shikai Unknown
Bankai Unknown
First Appearance
Manga Debut Volume 6, Chapter 51
Anime Debut Episode 15
Video Game Debut Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
Japanese Voice Satsuki Yukino
Shirō Saitō (cat form)
English Voice Wendee Lee
Terrence Stone (cat form)
Spanish Voice Rebeca Gómez (Latin America)
Pedro D'Aguillon Jr.(cat form) (Latin America) 
 Yoruichi Shihōin (四楓院 夜一, Shihōin Yoruichi) is the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, as well as the former commander of the Onmitsukidō. Having abandoned her command of both, she works with Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi, based out of the Urahara Shop in the Human World.


Yoruichi in her black cat form.
Yoruichi Shihōin is a slender and dark-skinned woman of average height with golden-colored eyes and long purple hair,[2] which she keeps up in a ponytail.[3] Her standard attire consists of a backless, black sleeveless undershirt, an orange over-shirt with two white straps on each shoulder, a large beige sash around her waist,[4] and black stretch pants with a pair of lightweight brown colored shoes,[5] allowing for stealth and easy use of Shunpo.[6] She previously wore a beige neck warmer, which she pulled up to cover her face in order to hide her identity, but seems to have forgone its use.[7] She also occasionally wears long beige wrist and leg warmers, each secured by bands.[8] She, unlike any known Shinigami, is able to transform into a small black cat for long periods of time. In this form, she has a distinctive male voice and golden eyes.
110 years ago when she was a captain, she wore the same sleeveless and backless Onmitsukidō uniform, with long black wrist guards that Suì-Fēng wears now, but had a black ribbon tied around her neck.[9][10] She also wore a long-sleeved captain's haori. Her hair was also much shorter and cut in a style similar to Suì-Fēng's current hair-style but without the braids.[9][11] At some point prior to this she wore the white Onmitsukidō uniform of the correction corps.[12]


Yoruichi is intelligent and witty, holding an intimate knowledge of the Soul Society and its workings, as she was the former leader of the Onmitsukidō and the Second Division's captain. Although of noble birth, she acts differently from most other nobles, very much like Kaien Shiba. For instance, she instructed Suì-Fēng to refer to her without using honorific suffixes, but reluctantly settled for being called "Yoruichi-sama" ("Lady Yoruichi" in the dub). She also transforms into her human form directly in front of Ichigo on several occasions just to see his reaction to seeing her naked, which she even teases him about. Another note of her eccentricity is that she speaks in a dialect that elders use, such as identifying herself as "washi" (a term that usually old men define themselves with) instead of more feminine terms like "watashi" in both her human and animal forms.
While unknown how she obtained her cat transformation, she appears to prefer spending most of her time in it as upon showing her Shinigami form to Ichigo, she forgot to put on clothes as she grew use to not needing them. She especially takes delight in transforming in front of people to see their shocked reaction due to her cat form giving the appearance that she is male.[13] Her love for her cat form extends to even great anger should someone harm it or insult is appearance as seen from how upset she got after her tail was damaged.[14]
Although relatively calm and mature when a situation calls for it, Yoruichi is quite laid-back and playful, often teasing or flirting with those younger than her, such as Ichigo Kurosaki at the underground hot spring, a younger and hot-headed Byakuya Kuchiki, Suì-Fēng before her time as a captain and Kisuke Urahara, childhood friend, former underling and fellow ex-captain. Yoruichi prefers to drink milk, which fits with her practice of transforming into a cat.[1]


Yoruichi as the Princess of the Shihōin Clan.
Yoruichi Shihōin was born the princess of the Tenshiheisōban (天賜兵装番, House of Godly Gears), The Shihōin family, one of the four noble families.[15] Yoruichi grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in the Seireitei of Soul Society, with her childhood friends Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi.[16] During this time they played together daily under the Sōkyoku hill training space, which Urahara built when they were children.[17]

Yoruichi as Captain of the 2nd Division and Commander of the Onmitsukidō.
Later Yoruichi became the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō while serving as the 22nd generational head of the Shihōin family, the first woman to ever hold the position.[18] Some time later she would serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō as the position is traditionally held by the heads of the Shihōin family. She eventually rose to the position of Captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13 further uniting the former separate military arms together as this was also traditionally done by her family.[19]

Yoruichi instructs Suì-Fēng.
Sometime later she decided to change her direct role in the Onmitsukidō from being the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia, which is the position traditionally held by the Commander-in-Chief, to being the Corps Commander of the Corrections Corps.[20] While Yoruichi was Onmitsukidō Commander, she took in Suì-Fēng as a personal bodyguard. Recognizing her talent she became a mentor and friend. She taught Suì-Fēng most of the techniques she knew. During her time in Soul Society, she created many techniques that involved Shunpo, as well as teaching some of them to Byakuya.[21]

Yoruichi informs Kisuke of his recommendation.
About 110 years prior to the current time Yoruichi recommended that Kisuke Urahara, her 3rd Seat, be appointed to the recently opened position of Captain of the 12th Division after the former Captain Kirio Hikifune was promoted.[11] Prior to presenting Urahara with the news of the open position, Yoruichi had a sparring session with Urahara at the Sōkyoku Hill training space. Before retiring back to the 2nd Division barracks, Yoruichi informed Urahara that she had recommended him for the position. Suì-Fēng confronted Yoruichi, concerned that she was overestimating Urahara's capabilities and proceeded to explain that she believed it had been a mistake to appoint him as Corps Commander of the Detention Unit. Suì-Fēng continued by stating that he was undeserving of such a position. While Yoruichi readily admitted to the fact that Urahara was not really a hard worker, she dismissed Suì-Fēng's criticisms and playfully insinuated that her focus on him must have romantic connotations, which Suì-Fēng denied.[10]

Urahara's already with Yoruichi.
After spending the day following Urahara around Soul Society taking notes, Suì-Fēng returned to the 2nd Division barracks to show Yoruichi her evidence of Urahara's lack of competence in his position. Suì-Fēng arrived only to find Urahara already there talking with Yoruichi, she is then told that Urahara would be taking the captain proficiency exam, to which Suì-Fēng stands in disbelief. Yoruichi confirmed it and further requested that Suì-Fēng attend the exam as well. She explains that normally only captains are allowed to attend but that she has asked special permission to allow Suì-Fēng to attend. Suì-Fēng was at first confused about why she should attend but Yoruichi told her there was no need to keep secrets as she knew she was attracted to Urahara, which Suì-Fēng again denied. Yoruichi explained that she knew all about how Suì-Fēng had been following Urahara around all day.[10]

Yoruichi reads Suì-Fēng's notes.
Suì-Fēng admitted that she was following Urahara around but told her it was to prove that he was lazy, incompetent, and not worthy of Yoruichi's praise. Suì-Fēng handed her notes to Yoruichi who read them and commented on how detailed they were. When Urahara didn't deny any of the information in the report Suì-Fēng was shocked that he would be so truthful to his seemingly unprofessional actions. Yoruichi, unsurprised, quipped that Urahara never changes and praised Suì-Fēng for her intelligence gathering skills. At first, Suì-Fēng was happy until she realized that Yoruichi regarded the notes not as intelligence information but rather as a love letter.[10]

Urahara's Captain's Proficiency Test.
Suì-Fēng was reasonably distressed and Yoruichi laughed it off and told her to loosen up as she wasn't serious. They were then interrupted by the arrival of a squad member who delivered a message that the people Urahara had been looking for had been found. Suì-Fēng replied that if he didn't return in time it would put a strain of the 2nd Divisions reputation as well as Yoruichi; which Yoruichi simply dismissed telling Urahara to hurry off to his duty and telling Suì-Fēng to come along to help prepare for Urahara's Captain's Proficiency Test.[10] Yoruichi is later seen among the other captains awaiting the start of the ceremony. Upon Urahara's arrival to the 1st Division barracks where he was formerly introduced to the other captains; he was chastised by Yoruichi for being so reluctant, as she told him that he was already a captain, so he should stand tall.[22]

Yoruichi is informed about Urahara's trip to the Nest of Maggots.
A day or so after Urahara took over the 12th Division, Yoruichi was told by a Onmitsukidō member that Urahara had entered into the Detention Unit property with claims that he was previously given approval to go. Yoruichi couldn't seem to recall when or even if he asked for permission or whether she granted it; but when asked if she wanted him removed, she nonchalantly told her division members not to bother and to allow him to go where he liked. When asked if she had remembered the incident in question, Yoruichi plainly said no. Suì-Fēng became distressed and prepared to voice her disapproval, though Yoruichi told her to calm down as it was Kisuke they were talking about, stating he must have had an idea of some kind.[23]

Yoruichi teasing young Byakuya by stealing his ribbon and enticing him into a game of tag.
Yoruichi appeared to be on good terms with the members of the Kuchiki noble family as she would often visit the Kuchiki manor to play tag with a teenage Byakuya Kuchiki. On one such occasion, she was asked to train Byakuya by his grandfather Ginrei Kuchiki, the head of the Kuchiki family as well as the 6th Division captain. Upon seeing the arrival of Yoruichi, Byakuya swung his sword at her and called her a were-cat. Yoruichi laughed and playfully began to tease him, calling him 'Little Byakuya". She complained about such a greeting after she came all the way there to see him. Byakuya yelled at her saying that he didn't want to see the likes of her and that he would be the head of the Kuchiki clan soon enough, so he had no time to waste on her. While asking if that is the case she stole the ribbon holding his hair back. Byakuya quickly turned and swung his sword at her, but she easily dodged it.[24]

Yoruichi taunts Byakuya into a game of tag.
Yoruichi laughed at him and exclaimed that if the head of the Kuchiki clan could get his hair-tie stolen by a girl who is just playing, then the future of the Kuchiki Clan had become bleak, although this was just a ploy in order to entice him into another game of tag. Not to be defeated so easily, Byakuya told her not to move an inch, but before he could finish she told him that he couldn't catch her as she used Shunpo to begin the chase. Byakuya plainly stated that he could see that she wished to incite his wrath and he so promised to make her see the error of her ways, further making the claim that his Shunpo was far superior to the likes of hers.[25]

Yoruichi yells at Urahara at the Captain's meeting.
9 years later Yoruichi is seen at an emergency meeting of the captains of the Gotei 13, where the Captain-Commander was giving an intelligence report on the unknown disappearances of the 9th Division captain Kensei Muguruma and lieutenant Mashiro Kuna as well as the other high ranking members of their division. Yamamoto stated they had previously been sent out to investigate the disappearance of other division members. He then declared he will choose 5 captains to form an investigation team. When a very winded and frantic Urahara showed up to ask that he be allowed to go with the investigation team as he had previously sent his lieutenant Hiyori to the sight of the disappearances, he was summarily told no by Captain-Commander Yamamoto. When he protested he was chastised by Yoruichi, who told him he was acting pathetic and that he should get a grip on himself. She further stated that he sent Hiyori himself, and that for him to lose his composure like that only insulted her. The Captain-Commander continued naming the members of the investigation team and told Yoruichi that she was to standby for further orders.[26]

Yoruichi rescues Tessai and Urahara from Central 46.
The next day, Urahara and Tessai were arrested under the orders of the Central 46. It immediately became evident that they had been set up by Aizen, but were given no right to defend themselves and prove their innocence. As a result, they were quickly given their sentences. Urahara was sentenced to become human and to be exiled to the Human World for "committing crimes against researching and invoking forbidden phenomenon" as well as "deceiving and inflicting grievous injury to fellow Shinigami". Tessai was sentenced to life imprisonment in a Level 3 detention area for "using forbidden Kidō techniques."[27] Before either of their sentences could be executed a masked Yoruichi entered the building knocking the guards unconscious and rescuing the disgraced former captains. Yoruichi brought them to a secret underground area.[28]

Yoruichi berates Tessai and Urahara for not seeking her help.
In this secluded area, she berated them on how mad she was at them for excluding her from their plan. She also revealed that she had brought the eight Hollowfied Shinigami, along with the new prototype Gigai that Urahara was working on. With that epiphany, Urahara resolved to make ten reiatsu-blocking Gigai to aid him & Tessai. Tessai then stated his worry about Yoruichi's safety, but she calmly stated that they should not worry about her as she would escape somehow.[29]
When she left Soul Society, she left behind her titles and positions and was thus relieved of her high status. She was succeeded as 2nd Division Captain and Commander of the Onmitsukidō by her protégé, Suì-Fēng, at a later date.


Agent of the Shinigami arc

Urahara excitedly greets Yoruichi
Yoruichi arrives in Karakura Town in feline form, where Tessai Tsukabishi reveals to Jinta Hanakari that she is Kisuke Urahara's best friend.[30] Later, Yoruichi sits outside of Urahara's shop looking at the sky. When Urahara comes out and asks her what she is looking at, Yoruichi is shown to be no ordinary cat as it can talk and is seemingly male. Yoruichi tells him to stop acting as he knows full well that 'they' have already come.[31] After Rukia Kuchiki is taken back to Soul Society, Ichigo begins training with Urahara to regain his Shinigami powers. At the same time Yoruichi poses an offer to train Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado in the use of their powers, warning them that his lessons are strict and difficult. They readily accept.[32] They then go to track down Uryū Ishida, who is somewhat surprised to see them. Orihime explains that they must engage in training lessons if they are to go to Soul Society, to which Uryū asks who their master will be. Orihime tells him, knowing he will be skeptical, that their trainer has been standing next to him the entire time. Uryū is surprised, explaining that there can't be a human that stealthy. Yoruichi speaks up to tell Uryū that it is "he" who will be training them. Uryū predictably freaks out at the notion of a talking cat. After regaining his composure over the issue, Uryū calmly states he can't believe that there is such a thing as a talking cat. Yoruichi tells him that the issue is not about "him" but about the necessary training in order to save Rukia from Soul Society. Though coming around to the idea, Uryū declines to train with them as he has plans to train on his own and, rather than saving Rukia, he just wishes revenge on the Shinigami who previously defeated him. Yoruichi resolves that he has no desire to go to Soul Society and that they must go and train before it is too late.[33]

Yoruichi training Chad and Orihime
Yoruichi proceeds to train Chad and Orihime in an abandoned warehouse, but they seemingly can't call on their powers. Yoruichi exclaims that at this rate, no matter how long they train, they can't go to Soul Society. "He" also comments that, if they can't find their powers and freely call upon them, they are as good as dead in Soul Society. "He" urges them both to remember the first time their powers manifested. "He" reaches the conclusion that their powers were activated when they were put in a position to protect others. Therefore, in order to activate their powers, they should think back on what they were trying to protect at the time. It is through Yoruichi's words that Orihime comes to understand that she wishes to protect Ichigo; this realization brings forth her powers in the form of the "Shun Shun Rikka". Yoruichi tells Orihime that the next thing she must learn is to control her powers as they are now attacking "him". Yoruichi then turns "his" attention to Chad, asking him why he wishes to go to Soul Society.[34] Shortly thereafter, Chad gains access to his powers and uses its ability to punch a huge hole in the wall, much to Yoruichi's surprise. Both Orihime and Chad are glad to have gained free use of their abilities, thus allowing them to go to Soul Society. Yoruichi tells them they have no time to celebrate, as they just damaged property and need to get out of there before they attract attention.[35]

Yoruichi informs Ichigo that she is their guide
Yoruichi decides to act as the group's guide as they prepare to go to Soul Society through Urahara's Senkaimon. Once Urahara explains to them the dangers of using the passage, Yoruichi states that only those who know what their hearts think will be able to follow him. When Ichigo comments that everyone gathered is determined to go, Yoruichi reminds him that if he loses then he will never return. Ichigo is firm in his resolve to win and Yoruichi applauds his response. It is from this point on that Yoruichi acts as a guide through the journey in the Dangai, the space between Soul Society and the living world.[36][37]

Soul Society arc

After arriving in Soul Society in an ungainly manner, Yoruichi informs them of the seriousness of the situation. Yoruichi explains their location and the composition of the Soul Society to Ichigo and the others. Ichigo, runs towards the city of the Shinigami, but a huge wall blocks his path. [38] Ichigo is stopped by a giant which Yoruichi says to be the Seireimon Gate Guardian Jidanbō, one of the elites in Soul Society and guard of one of the four gates, the west gate. He tells everyone that it won't be easy to get past the guardian and that they should prepare a plan, but he is ignored by Ichigo, Chad and Orihime.[39] Yoruichi and the others witness Ichigo's unlikely victory over Jidanbō. As per the rules, Jidanbō allows Ichigo and his friends through the gate but is surprised by the unexpected arrival of Gin Ichimaru.

Yoruichi shocked by Ichigo moving to fight Ichimaru
Ichimaru cuts off Jidanbō's left arm.[40] Yoruichi realizes his mistake as he had not foreseen the arrival of a captain. He notes that, though Ichigo and his friends are powerful, they are no match for a captain and that, if they confront him head on, the worst scenario will come to pass.[41] Before Ichigo can react, he is pushed out the gate along with Jidanbō by Gin's Shikai.[42]
After it is determined that Ichigo is alright, he apologizes to Yoruichi for allowing the gate to close. Yoruichi says that there is no need to blame himself, for if they had made it through the gate, the results would have been the same; he would still have to face Gin, so in turn he should be happy that he is alive. The souls that live in the Rukongai then come out of their dwellings. Yoruichi explains that anyone who is not guided into Soul Society by a Shinigami is considered an intruder, making Ichigo and his friends trouble makers in the eyes of Soul Society. As such the souls were hiding because they were afraid. [43] While resting among the citizens of Rukongai, Yoruichi discusses his plan to enter into the Seireitei without using the gate. Yoruichi then asks Elder-Dono, the citizen whose house they are occupying, where he can locate Kūkaku Shiba, noting that she is a drifter and difficult to find. [44]

Yoruichi with Kūkaku
Yoruichi leads the group out into the open area outside of the village, exclaiming that Kūkaku prefers open areas and solitude. Yoruichi tells the group that even though the location of the house changes constantly, the house is always the same style and easy to identify. Not long after, they come upon the house. Before arriving they are stopped by two twin guard/servants Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko, who refuse to allow them to pass. After noticing Yoruichi, however, the twins allow them passage and lead them underground into the house. Inside, Kūkaku happily greets Yoruichi. He immediately asks Kūkaku if she can help them. Yoruichi explains the situation and plan to Kūkaku who agrees to go along.[45]

Yoruichi effortlessly makes a cannonball
After undergoing the necessary training to use Kūkaku's Fireworks cannon to enter the Seireitei, the group prepares to leave. Ichigo asks whether they will have to use the orb technique he learned to get through and asks whether Yoruichi, being a cat, can achieve the same results. Yoruichi tells him to place the orb on the ground; he climbs on top of the orb and creates a seamless barrier, stating that this sort of thing is like breathing to him. As Kūkaku prepares to shoot the cannon, the group enters the cannon. While inside, Yoruichi tells them to not wander off by themselves once they reach the Seireitei and that, if they encounter a captain-class enemy, they are to run, as their objective is to rescue Rukia and not to engage in unnecessary risks.[46]
The team succeeds in penetrating the barrier protecting the Seireitei, but the destabilization of the spiritual energy powered cannonball causes them to split. As the team begins to separate, Yoruichi assures Ichigo that they will find a way to survive but that first he must worry about himself. The group breaks up in four separate directions, with Yoruichi left all by himself. He maintains that this way would probably be better.[47] Yoruichi finds himself hurtling toward a group of waiting Shinigami, but he bounces back and onto the top of a nearby building before he can be caught.[48]

Yoruichi getting ready to carry Ichigo away after his battle with Kenpachi
Running around in cat form, Yoruichi keeps track of the progress of all of the others, rescuing Ichigo after his fight with 11th Division Captain, Kenpachi Zaraki.[49] He takes Ichigo to a secret underground area where he can recuperate. Ichigo eventually wakes up and thanks Yoruichi for saving his life, but realizing the urgency of helping their friends, he gets up too fast, reopening his wounds. Yoruichi pushes him back down and assures him they all are fine. He then tells Ichigo that he needs to rest and that if it were not for the Hollow mask he wore at his torso he would have sustained serious injury. Ichigo is left surprised at the broken hollow mask he had seen previously. When Ichigo explains that he had thrown away the mask previously, Yoruichi is surprised and tells Ichigo that he will take it and dispose of it, but Ichigo states that he wants to keep it. Yoruichi becomes angered and demands he give the mask over to him. Ichigo comments that he is surprised by how strong Yoruichi must be, having been running around carrying Ichigo all this time without getting hurt. Yoruichi explains that it was no real problem once he returned to his original form.[50]

Yoruichi transforms into her Human form
Yoruichi recalls that he has never shown Ichigo his true form. He transforms, revealing himself to be a woman. She quips how she loves transforming into her true form as it always leaves everyone surprised. She then takes out an object and tells Ichigo that she will explain how she carried him there, but before she can proceed, Ichigo becomes frantic and tells her to put on some clothes. She teases Ichigo about him being so innocent, embarrassing him. She then shows him the object she used to get him to the secret underground area. She reveals its function and how to use it, claiming that it is a unique item in Soul Society. Ichigo is intrigued by Yoruichi's identity and asks who she really is. Before she can answer, they both sense an intense reiatsu, which Ichigo identifies as belonging to Byakuya Kuchiki. Ichigo immediately rushes off, explaining to Yoruichi that he has to save Ganju and Hanatarō, as they went off in the direction the reiatsu is coming from. Ichigo takes out the artifact and uses it to get to his friends faster. Yoruichi, annoyed, tries to stop him but he runs off anyway. She follows on foot.[51]

Yoruichi stopping Byakuya from releasing his Shikai.
Ichigo engages in battle with Byakuya, and Yoruichi arrives just in time to stop the release of Senbonzakura's Shikai.[52] Byakuya notes that she is the former Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō and the former Corps Commander of the Correction Corps. Byakuya remarks that it's been a hundred years since her disappearance and that everyone thought she was dead. Yoruichi rushes towards Ichigo and impales his bandaged chest wound with her hand, causing him to pass out.[53]

Yoruichi appears on Byakuya's arm.
Ukitake speculates that Yoruichi inserted a strong tranquilizer directly into Ichigo's body in an attempt to save him. Byakuya comments that she won't be able to get away so easily. Yoruichi points out that Byakuya is talking big and asks him if he ever won even one game of tag against her. The two engage in a test of speed using Shunpo. Yoruichi manages to stay a step ahead of Byakuya despite carrying an unconscious Ichigo. Yoruichi perches upon Byakuya's outstretched arm. She remarks that he can't catch her with that level of Shunpo, and quickly moves to the top of a nearby building. She then yells down to Byakuya that in three days, she will make Ichigo stronger than him, and until then, the fight between the two will be on hold. As she uses Shunpo to leave, she tells Byakuya that he can follow her if he chooses, but the "Goddess of Flash" will not be caught so easily.[54]
When Yoruichi finally gets Ichigo back to the secret underground area, she looks down at him and tells him to wake up, relaying that he can get stronger and that when he wakes up she will tell him about Zangetsu's real power.[55]
When Ichigo awakens, Yoruichi tells him that they have no time to wait for his wounds to heal completely, so his wounds will hurt quite a bit. Before she can go, though, Ichigo asks her why he was the only one she brought back. He expresses his rage, stating that he is the only one back there who could have survived. Yoruichi calmly tells him not to think so highly of himself, for no one there, not even Ichigo, would have survived a fight against Byakuya. She adds that to still be able to outrun Byakuya, one person is all she could carry. Yoruichi explains that she brought him back because, with some training, it may become possible for Ichigo to defeat Byakuya. Yoruichi then tells Ichigo that aside from Byakuya, Ukitake was also there; even though Ganju is an intruder and Hanatarō is a traitor, Ukitake will not let them die because they were trying to save Rukia, who is one of his subordinates. She further assures him not to worry because in three days time she will make him strong enough to defeat Byakuya and save everyone.[56]
Before they begin training, Yoruichi explains that all Zanpakutō have two levels of release: the first one is called Shikai (initial release) and the second is Bankai (final release), and one must achieve both to become a captain. She adds that every captain in the Gotei 13 except Kenpachi Zaraki, can release Bankai.[57] Moving on, Yoruichi explains to Ichigo that the power and forms of Shikai and Bankai are dependent on the Zanpakutō. They also vary according to the wielder's strength and training, but in general, by learning Bankai, one's power can grow 5 to 10 times greater. She explains that even the most gifted Shinigami need at least 10 years of training to master Bankai. Ichigo tells her that he doesn't have that much time, though Yoruichi interrupts him, telling him she is fully aware of that; she will use a different, but more dangerous method to make him achieve Bankai in 3 days.[58]

Yoruichi reveals the Tenshintai.
Yoruichi brings out a large white doll and remarks that it is a Tenshintai, a rare artifact of the Onmitsukidō, which can forcibly materialize the spirit of a Zanpakutō. Yoruichi goes on to explain what is required in order to achieve Bankai. She notes that materialization means the opposite of entering the Zanpakutō's world; instead, one must summon the Zanpakutō's spirit into the real world. She then explains how to work the artifact: Ichigo must stab the doll with his Zanpakutō and it will forcefully materialize the spirit, while Yoruichi will use her power to keep it materialized. Before they start she warns him that the time limit is three days and that he only has one chance at this. Before time is up, he must force Zangetsu to submit. Ichigo stabs the artifact, causing Zangetsu to materialize in the real world. Yoruichi asks Zangetsu if he heard her conversation with Ichigo, to which he responds that he has. She tells him that he will choose the method of combat and asks if they can begin immediately. Zangetsu tells her that he will, and prepares the battle.[59] As Yoruichi watches the battle between Ichigo and Zangetsu unfold, she thinks about Ichigo's improvement in fighting, noting his amazingly fast growth.[60]

Yoruichi joins Ichigo in the hot spring.
As the first day of training ends, Zangetsu dematerializes and Ichigo relaxes in a hot spring. He becomes agitated when Yoruichi tells him she is going to join him. They get into an argument until she enters in her cat form. While resting, Ichigo tells Yoruichi that the underground area they're in is similar to the one under Urahara's shop. Yoruichi tells him that the one under the shop was most likely modeled after the area they are in now. She states that the underground area was built when she and Urahara were young; Urahara dug the place in secret for their combat training. When they got older and she joined the Onmitsukidō and Urahara joined the Gotei 13, they would train in the secret underground area in order to help each other get stronger. Before she can finish, Ichigo interrupts her, having finally realized that Urahara is a former member of the Gotei 13, making him a Shinigami. Ichigo then asks who Urahara really is. Yoruichi reveals that Urahara is the former Captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei 13 and the founder and 1st President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute.[61]
While Ichigo warms up for another day of training, Yoruichi ponders the possibility of extending his training, noting that Ichigo is growing far in excess of what a normal Shinigami is capable of, though it is only his combat techniques that are improving while his spiritual energy remains the same. She decides that if his spiritual energy does not increase within the next day, she will go with whatever state Ichigo has developed. She reasons that there isn't enough time for an extension and that it would be too dangerous at that point of training.[62]
Yoruichi is present when the secret underground training area is breached by Renji, who tells her and Ichigo that they that Rukia's execution has been moved and will take place at noon the following day. Yoruichi is surprised by this new information, thinking that there is no way Ichigo can attain Bankai in that small amount of time. Ichigo refuses to give up and tells Yoruichi that this training method was her idea and that she shouldn't give up before anyone else. [63] Renji eventually finishes training and asks Yoruichi if Ichigo will make it. She responds that she is not worried for she is certain that Ichigo possesses the instinct necessary to learn Bankai.[64] To help Ichigo in rescuing Rukia, she lends him the Tentōken, a cape that allows its user to fly by inserting some spirit power into it.[65]

Yoruichi meets her old student
Following the destruction of the Sōkyoku, Yoruichi intercepts Suì-Fēng at Sōkyoku Hill, stopping her from further harming Kiyone Kotetsu, 3rd seat of the 13th Division. Using Shunpo, Yoruichi grabs Suì-Fēng and takes her away with her off the edge of the cliff. At first, Suì-Fēng wonders who her attacker is, as Yoruichi is wearing a cloth to mask her face. Suì-Fēng recognizes her voice as Yoruichi pulls down the cloth to reveal her face, stating that it has been a while since they last saw each other.[66]
They land in a forest and engage in hand-to-hand combat before putting some distance between themselves. Suì-Fēng comments that even though they have not seen each other in a long time, Yoruichi has not gotten any stronger. Yoruichi states that, on the contrary, she thinks that Suì-Fēng has gotten weaker. Suì-Fēng states that the Tenshiheisonban, the Shihōin family, has fallen, for if Yoruichi's actions of helping the Ryoka are revealed, her family name will surely be removed from the list of the 4 great families. Yoruichi asks Suì-Fēng why she is talking so much, taunting her by saying she is either excited to see her old mentor or she is blowing off steam from her position as Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō. Suì-Fēng warns her not to get cocky and think she is still better than her after all these years. Suì-Fēng states that both the Onmitsukidō and the Executive Militia are now under her control, as Yoruichi's era ended long ago. She then proceeds to take out her Zanpakutō and drives it into the tree she is standing on. Without notice, Yoruichi is surrounded by a cadre of Executive Militia members. Before any of the Executive Militia can react, Yoruichi uses her skill in Shunpo to take out every Executive Militia member in the area within seconds. Yoruichi tells her to stop looking down on her so much, as there is still one title that Yoruichi did not relinquish. Suì-Fēng tells her that she will take the title of Goddess of Flash (瞬神, Shunshin) from her.[67]

Yoruichi and Suì-Fēng battle hand to hand
Yoruichi comments on Suì-Fēng's attire, noting that she is wearing the battle suit of the Corps-Commander of the Executive Militia. Suì-Fēng attacks Yoruichi and they begin to fight once again. Suì-Fēng uses Shunpo to appear behind Yoruichi and holds her Zanpakutō up to Yoruichi's throat as she releases her Shikai. They move apart once again and Suì-Fēng warns her to not underestimate her, as it may not have occurred to Yoruichi that Suì-Fēng would use all of her power against her. She states that she has become stronger than Yoruichi, and with her death will make her pay the price for staying away from battle for a hundred years.[68]
As a "Hōmonka" appears on Yoruichi's chest, Suì-Fēng goes on to explain the mechanics of her Zanpakutō's Shikai. She then appears behind Yoruichi and attempts a second strike, but Yoruichi uses Shunpo to escape. After gaining some distance, Yoruichi turns around and goes on the offensive, attacking Suì-Fēng with knives hidden in her boot. Suì-Fēng blocks the incoming knives and manages to land a second strike on Yoruichi. She asks her if she now understands that Suì-Fēng is stronger than her. Suì-Fēng then reveals her new technique, which combines Kidō and Hakuda, exclaiming that she has never used it in battle and has only recently invented it. Yoruichi, however, tells her it has a name: Shunkō. Yoruichi then uses the same technique but at a more advanced level than Suì-Fēng's, explaining the mechanics behind the technique in detail. Yoruichi further states that she wasn't planning on using Shunkō against her, but warns Suì-Fēng to be careful, as she also has not mastered it. She then sends a wave of condensed Reiatsu toward her.[69]

Yoruichi stops Sui-Feng in her tracks.
When the smoke clears, the land between them is torn and scorched. Yoruichi asks Suì-Fēng if she now understands why she never showed her this technique, as it is too dangerous. Suì-Fēng starts to use Shunkō to attack her but Yoruichi nullifies it with Hanki, and tells her to stop as it is too soon for her to be using the technique in combat. Suì-Fēng yells that she should have been able to surpass Yoruichi in all these hundreds of years and continues to attack her, but Yoruichi dodges her attacks effortlessly. Yoruichi stops the attacks by initiating a Shunkō powered punch but stopping short of actually hitting Suì-Fēng. Upset and unwilling to fight anymore, Suì-Fēng breaks down and cries, asking why Yoruichi did not take her with her. She then bows down to Yoruichi in defeat.[70]
Yoruichi is with Suì-Fēng when Isane Kotetsu broadcasts the news of Captain Sōsuke Aizen's treason.[71] They are amongst the first to arrive on the scene at Sōkyoku Hill to stop Aizen. Yoruichi stops Aizen from releasing his Zanpakutō , while Suì-Fēng holds her Zanpakutō to his neck. She tells him not to move a muscle as Suì-Fēng says she will decapitate him if he does. Yoruichi is noticeably surprised by the arrival of three of the gate guardians, as they have betrayed Soul Society to join Aizen's forces, but later sees that Kūkaku and Jidanbō have arrived to combat them. Once his cohorts have been subdued, Yoruichi tells Aizen that it is the end, as there is nowhere for him to escape for he has been completely surrounded by the Gotei 13. The overall attempt to stop him, however, is then thwarted by the arrival of Gillians who use their Negación to aid in Aizen's escape from Soul Society, with Yoruichi telling Suì-Fēng to jump away just in time. Yoruichi later returns to the living world with the others.[72]
On their way back to the World of the Living, Yoruichi and the others pass through the Dangai and are chased by the Kōtotsu once again and are forced to flee from it.[73] Upon entering the Human world, they are greeted by Urahara, Tessai, Jinta and Ururu, who carry them home on Urahara's flying mat. [74] After Ichigo and his friends have been dropped off, Urahara and Yoruichi talk about the future war. They both realize the battle isn't over and that very soon, he and the other Shinigami will have to rely on Ichigo's group and their strengths more than ever.[75]

Bount arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Arrancar arc

Yoruichi beats Yammy into the ground.
One night when Urahara stands in front of his shop and shows concern about what is going on in Karakura Town, Yoruichi approaches him.[79] When the Arrancar Ulquiorra Cifer and Yammy Llargo begin to terrorize Karakura Town, Urahara and Yoruichi show up to save Ichigo from Yammy. After Urahara blocks his punch with his blood mist shield, Yoruichi easily dispatches Yammy, only for the enraged Arrancar to try to attack her from behind as she goes to help an injured Orihime. Yoruichi turns around and brutally attacks Yammy, literally pounding him into the ground. As Yoruichi goes back to helping Orihime, Yammy gets up enraged and attempts to hit her with a point blank Cero, but it makes no contact as Urahara counters it with a similar attack to nullify Yammy's. When Yammy becomes confused at the concept of this Urahara decides to show off and sends a blast of spiritual energy from his Zanpakutō toward Yammy, but it is deflected by Ulquiorra with his bare hand. Ulquiorra incapacitates Yammy for his rash actions and brutishness and proceeds to explain to him who it is that he is fighting. The two Arrancar then return to Hueco Mundo.[80]
Later, while at Urahara's shop, Yoruichi is shown recuperating from an injured left arm and leg. When Urahara expresses concern about her state, Yoruichi admits that she was foolish to fight him without using Shunkō, though she didn't think the Arrancar's skin would have such dense spiritual pressure. She confirms that the Arrancar are tougher than either she or Urahara had anticipated.[81]
She appears again to take Orihime Inoue into the training room under Urahara's shop, so that he may speak to her about the upcoming battle.[82]

The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai arc (anime only)Edit

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Fake Karakura Town arc

Yoruichi attacks Aizen
When Urahara and Isshin Kurosaki immobilize Aizen, Yoruichi appears wearing armor on her arms and legs and attacks Aizen from above. She smashes into his back with such force that it destroys the surrounding area and then she lands a direct punch with even more force, causing damage to an entire block. Urahara then yells for Yoruichi to move away. Aizen quickly recovers and before Yoruichi can fully dodge his counterattack, he destroys the armor on Yoruichi's left leg. As Aizen emerges from the rubble with his new form severely cracked, he asks them if this all they have. Stating that they better hurry up and make the next move as he plans on crushing them all one by one into tiny fragments down to the very last remnant.[86]
When Urahara expresses his surprise at how the armor he created could be destroyed with one blow from Aizen, Yoruichi tells Urahara off for not building the armor properly. Urahara warns Yoruichi to keep away as they prepare to face the next attack, but she remarks that she will be fine as long Aizen does not attack her exposed leg. Aizen's next blow takes her completely by surprise.[87] Managing to escape Aizen's assault at the cost of her right armguard, Yoruichi complains to Kisuke when he asks if she is alright. She tells him that she was able to block the attack because of the "half-finished" armour, but that she would have simply dodged it without the armour. After they stop arguing, Kisuke launches a Kidō blast at Aizen. Yoruichi takes advantage of this and attempts to attack Aizen, but he anticipates their ploy and blocks her attack. She then follows up with a Shunkō assault, knocking him to the ground. Aizen then blocks her next attack. Kisuke interrupts by immobilizing Aizen with Benihime.[88] Along with Kisuke and Isshin, Yoruichi is defeated by Aizen, who then leaves for the real Karakura Town in Soul Society.[89]

Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc (anime only) 


Gotei 13 Invading Army Arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc

When Ichigo regains his powers he notices that Yoruichi's power was used to help restore his own.[106]


Yoruichi's unnamed flight device.
Two of Yoruichi's unique items are accessories which grant the user the power of flight.
  • A long beige bone wand-like artifact with a small white bird shaped skull with four protrusions similar to fingers bones extending from the back of the skull. By channeling Reiryoku in the wand, it produces a tentacle that acts a harness and a single bat-like wing manifests from the four bone protrusions, which acts as a one handed hang glider. No skill or previous experience is required to use it.[107]
  • Tentōken (天踏絢, Heaven-Stepping Adornment): it is a brown mantle with a large draw string closure at the collar and a large brooch displaying the Shihōin family crest. Like the wand, the Tentōken seems to require no skill or previous experience to use. It also seems to be superior to the wand, since it allows one to hover in mid-air and does not immobilize one of the user's hands.[65]
  • Anken (暗剣, lit. "Dark Blade"): are small knives that Yoruichi hides in her boots. She can launch them at a target with a swing of her leg.[108]
  • Anti-Hierro Armor: a set of metal gloves and boots invented by Kisuke Urahara, specifically designed to counter an Arrancar's Hierro during hand-to-hand combat. They are exceptionally durable, capable of protecting the wearer's limbs even during the moment of their destruction.[109]

Powers & Abilities

Feline Transformation: Yoruichi possess a unique ability which allows her to shape-shift into a black cat at will. How she alone out of all Shinigami is capable of this is yet unknown. She has apparently possessed the ability for well over 100 years, and it's apparently known to others she knew from that time. She apparently has no set time limit on the transformation as she had been in the assumed form for over 100 years. In cat form, Yoruichi can still channel her spiritual energy and move at incredible speeds, though she is physically limited by the form. Her transformation also allows her a complete disguise, as her voice in this form is deep enough for most to assume she is a male. This, of course, leads to awkward situations when she reveals her true form.[110]
Hakuda Master: Yoruichi as former Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō is one of the most accomplished hand-to hand combatants in Soul Society. Her mastery of the art form is so great that she uses it exclusively as her form of combat of choice forgoing the use of a Zanpakutō altogether. She has been shown to take down nearly 50 Onmitsukidō members with only Hakuda.[111] She has been shown taking on the likes of Espada-level Arrancar as when she brutally defeated Yammy and is even regarded by the 4th Espada Ulquiorra Cifer as highly dangerous.[112] In addition, she was able to combat three Shinigami captains and four lieutenant level and above opponents at the same time with Hakuda without receiving any notable damage.[97]
  • Raiōken (雷王拳, "Thunder King Fist"):[113] A hakuda technique involving a series of rapid punches. Using this technique, Yoruichi was able to severely crack Aizen's first form and destroyed a portion of Karakura Town in the process.[114]
  • Taketonbo (竹蜻蛉, "Bamboo Dragonfly")[115] A hakuda technique involving an axe kick while in mid-air. Yoruichi attempted to use this technique against Suì-Fēng.[116]
Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: While preferring to fight her opponents barehanded, during flashbacks of her days as a captain, Yoruichi showed herself to be a highly capable swords-woman from her ability to take down a huge Hollow with a single strike of her sealed Zanpakutō.[117]

Yoruichi defeating numerous Onmitsukidō members with her speed.
Shunpo Master: Considered to be the most proficient Hohō master ever in all of the Soul Society, Yoruichi is highly skilled in the use of Shunpo, a high speed movement ability. Though this is by no means a unique skill, as most seated officers are capable of performing it to various degrees, Yoruichi holds the title "Flash Goddess" (瞬神, shunshin; "Flash Master" in the English version), because she has mastered this ability to such an extent that she can appear to be in several places at once and wipe out an entire Onmitsukidō squadron in seconds.[118] She can easily close tremendous gaps of distance in the blink of an eye while remaining undetected, as shown from her ability to surprise Byakuya, who is one of the most proficient in the art as well.[119] She has mastered all of the Onmitsukidō's speed-oriented techniques and even created some of her own, such as Utsusemi (空蝉; cicada, referencing their molting).[120] The full extent of her abilities remain unclear, but she was able to outrun Byakuya while carrying an unconscious Ichigo over her shoulder, where she was able to perform around 300 steps before feeling tired from 100 years of being out practice. She is so fast that Suì-Fēng could barely keep up while Yoruichi was still holding back. It is revealed that she can still perform Shunpo even while in her cat form. Unfortunately for her, she is not as fast as she is in her true form.
  • Utsusemi (空蝉; Cicada, referencing their molting): Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihou. It allows for a movement at great speed, leaving at least one tangible after-image behind. Byakuya Kuchiki states that she taught it to him.[121]
Enhanced Strength: Despite her slender appearance, Yoruichi is quite strong in her Shinigami form; she could still easily use Shunpo while carrying around an unconscious Ichigo to outrun a fellow Shunpo Master.[119] She can also easily catch a direct punch from the 10th Arrancar, and simultaneously throw him several feet away. She was able to easily injure him despite his thick Hierro with various unarmed moves, but it was later revealed that she was injured by his Hierro. Though she admitted that she wasn't expecting his skin to be that hard, she states that she could have avoided taking any damage if she had Shunkō activated.[122][81]Yoruichi has shown the strength of a concentrated blow from her is highly destructive, capable of destroying an entire city block.[123]
Enhanced Endurance: Despite her own admission of being out of shape, Yoruichi has shown to be a very resilient warrior. Both when out of breath from prolonged running against Byakuya and sustaining fractures from Yammy's Hierro, Yoruichi was still able to fight effectively while showing no signs of weakening.[124][125][126]
Master Assassin: As the former Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi is one of the foremost masters of the art of assassination. She has repeatedly shown impressive skill in staying hidden and unseen. When necessary, she can effectively exploit having an advantage against an opponent or hiding her presence. Even one as intuitive as Aizen was completely taken by surprise and just as easily subdued.
Master Strategist: As the former head of her clan and ex-commander of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi has shown herself to be a capable leader. Repeatedly, Yoruichi has shown to be insightful and crafty, quickly capable of understanding any situation that presents itself and adjust to it effectively. Upon learning that Ichigo would go to save Rukia no matter what, Yoruichi began making preparations of her own by training Orihime and Chad.
Kidō Expert: As former captain of the 2nd Division and the Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi is well-versed in a mastery of Kidō. Though she commonly employs Shunpo and hand-to-hand fighting techniques, she is masterful in using Kidō to further her capacity in combat - being so experienced she is able to mix it with other fighting techniques. She has been shown using mid to high-level binding and destruction spells with no incantation with expert skill.[93][96] Her skill is also shown great enough to almost effortlessly learn variations of Kidō with only simple instructions.[127]

Yoruichi's complete Shunkō
Shunkō (瞬閧, Flash Cry): An advanced technique that combines hand-to-hand combat with Kidō. She fights by surrounding her back and arms with pressurized Kidō. The keisen uniform has no back or sleeves since they will rip apart when it is activated. The technique can allow her to instantly neutralize an opponent's movement, apart from enhancing their arms and legs for battle. The Kidō itself can also be controlled and fired at opponents from her body, and can be used to create massive explosions. Yoruichi's version of the technique was developed and studied by her a century ago. Therefore, the technique is complete. Unlike Suì-Fēng's version, the compressed Kidō is visible.[128]
  • Hanki (反鬼, Reverse Demon): This technique is an ability Yoruichi uses during Shunkō, which nullifies an opponent's Kidō by hitting it with a Kidō of perfectly opposite speed and energy. The ability can even neutralize an opponent's movements.[129]
Immense Spiritual Power: As a former captain and head of a noble clan, Yoruichi boasts a great amount of spiritual energy. Her spiritual energy and control of it is great enough to act as a shield from fairly powerful attacks, as seen from blocking Jin Kariya's lightning blast with a single hand. While using Shunkō, her concentrated spiritual power becomes far greater than normal.[69]


Yoruichi's Zanpakutō
As a former captain of the Gotei 13, it is known that Yoruichi possesses a Zanpakutō and has achieved Bankai, but she relies nearly exclusively on Hohō, Shūnpo, and Shunkō. Although she doesn't carry it at all in the current time, she is shown wearing it in the past. It resembles a kodachi or wakizashi which she kept sheathed horizontally behind her on her lower back, similar to how Suì-Fēng carries hers in the present day.[12]

Appearances in Other Media

Yoruichi has appeared in many games as a playable character. In Bleach: The 3rd Phantom, she is capable of using both Shunkō and Shunshinraijin (瞬神雷神, lit. "Flashing Lightning God"), as well as using other Kidō, such as Byakurai, and is a Speed-type character.
In Bleach: Soul Carnival, she has a technique called Shunretsugeki (瞬烈撃, lit. "Flashing Fierce Strike"). She appears again in Bleach: Soul Resurrección in her arm and leg armor that she used against Aizen.

Trivia Edit

  • On the Popularity polls, Yoruichi came in 15th place on the first popularity poll. She placed 19th in the second poll, 7th in the third poll, and 28th in the fourth poll.
  • Yoruichi has a tribal tattoo on the outside of her left thigh, which was based on a picture of her drawn by Tite Kubo in Volume 26.
  • In the Bleach best bout poll Yoruichi's fight with Suì-Fēng came in ninth place.[130]


  • (To Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado) "Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."
  • (To Orihime and Sado) "Heart and Soul are connected, what is important is where is the heart."[132]


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